Corporate fashion

We see that uniforms are currently undergoing significant developments. Whether it’s the police, aviation, or the hospitality industry, the uniform is at the center of attention. And that’s not surprising. A uniform is the ultimate business card of a company, through which you can demonstrate how you address important societal issues. Sofie Rockland from By Rockland says: ‘We are now seeing a huge demand for sustainable workwear because hotels are now focusing on this. Moreover, this also counts towards the score for certifications like Green Key. Fortunately, we also see that companies are increasingly opting for a unique look that aligns with the identity of their brand.’

Sustainable clothing

We see that uniforms are currently undergoing significant developments, whether it’s in the police force, aviation, or the hospitality industry. The uniform is at the center of attention. And it’s not surprising. A uniform is the ultimate business card of a company, allowing you to demonstrate how you address important societal issues. Sofie Rockland from By Rockland states, ‘We’re witnessing a huge demand for sustainable corporate clothing now, as hotels are increasingly focusing on this. Additionally, this contributes to the score for certifications like the Green Key. Fortunately, we also see that companies are increasingly opting for a unique look that aligns with the identity of their brand.’

Show your true colours

We see that uniforms are currently undergoing significant developments, whether it’s in the police force, aviation, or the hospitality industry. The uniform is at the center of attention. And it’s not surprising. A uniform is the ultimate business card of a company, allowing you to demonstrate how you address important societal issues. Sofie Rockland from By Rockland states, ‘We’re witnessing a huge demand for sustainable corporate clothing now, as hotels are increasingly focusing on this. Additionally, this contributes to the score for certifications like the Green Key. Fortunately, we also see that companies are increasingly opting for a unique look that aligns with the identity of their brand.

In the spotlight

The role of the uniform is undergoing change. Where employees used to operate in the background, they are now more in the spotlight, requiring different workwear. A uniform naturally creates a certain distance from the guest. Increasingly, there is a focus on how workwear can allow an employee to be more authentic and, in turn, make a guest feel more at home.

Five trends

  1. Distinctive Look: Standard uniforms are no longer relevant. Hotels and restaurants aim to distinguish themselves by presenting their own uniforms that seamlessly align with their concept, target audience, and vision. Moreover, within a uniform, there’s more freedom to express oneself by offering a choice of different garments suitable for the activity, mood, and weather conditions at that moment. Uniformity and hierarchy are giving way to personal expression.
  2. Upcycling: Sustainability is a trend that every hotel is currently addressing. Sustainable hotels receive more bookings, especially from younger demographics, and they can charge higher room rates. What better way for a hospitality establishment to demonstrate its sustainability efforts than through its uniforms? More hotels and restaurants are opting for upcycling, incorporating old (company) clothing into a new collection, making a fashionable statement about their commitment to the planet.
  3. Comfort: There’s increasing emphasis on the comfort of employees. When they feel good in their clothing, they enjoy their work more. Travel-quality fabrics, such as Italian elastomeric fibers that stretch up to six times their length and return to their original shape, are becoming more common. These fabrics are ideal for workwear as they don’t require ironing and need fewer washes. Additionally, traditional ties are being replaced by more comfortable clothing items like sweaters or vests.
  4. Fashion Statement: Workwear is becoming more fashionable and used to make a statement. Fashion designers are increasingly involved, offering their unique vision on uniforms and incorporating new trends, shapes, and materials to give them a distinctive character. The choice of a fashion designer or brand is crucial for defining the identity of a hospitality establishment. Uniforms themselves are also a fashion trend. We’ve seen uniforms showcased on international runways, ranging from preppy school uniforms to rebellious variants of existing uniforms, perhaps to contribute to discussions about themes like war, religion, and uniqueness.
  5. Gender Neutrality: In an era where there’s much talk about “being yourself” and gender, the issue of uniforms is frequently discussed. Companies are increasingly leaving the choice of a male or female uniform up to the employee or opting for gender-neutral uniforms. We see more experimentation with typical male and female characteristics of uniforms, such as allowing combinations of these characteristics.